Click Finances on the left navigation menu. Next, click the "GO" button under Chart of Accounts.
Under the ACTIVE submenu, you will see the active Revenue, Expense, Asset, Liability, and Equity Accounts for your organization. The ARCHIVED submenu will display any accounts that were previously active but are now considered to be "archived" and no longer available for use.
The DEFAULT ACCOUNTS submenu allows you to select the expense accounts you wish to automatically apply to certain processing fees. Once you make a selection, click the Update Settings button to save changes.
To add a new account for any category, go to the ACTIVE submenu and select the "+ Add Account" button on the far right of the screen. In the ADD ACCOUNT window, complete the required fields with the new account Type, Subtype (if applicable), General Ledger Account Number, Name and Description (not required). Select the "Save Account" button to finalize your changes.